Friday, October 26, 2007

home alone

James is gone this week. He is in Mississippi with a group from church doing hurricane Katrina relief rebuilding work. It is a perfect thing for him to do, and I am so glad he’s willing to use his gifts for this greater good. And, even though I miss him to pieces, I have really done well filling up my stay-at-home-mom time! For those of you who don’t have kids and don’t understand, let me fill you in. once you have a baby, you have all these aspirations to be active, and hang out with other moms, and learn so much about your baby in the midst of this perfectly set up schedule. Doesn’t happen. Well, at least for me. I don’t know any people in Issaquah with kids, anymore. And it certainly is easy to sit at home playing with Hazel, all the while watching (straight in a row) the View, Ellen, E News, Martha, Tyra, and the Cosby Show! What’s even more difficult is leaving the room, for small portions of time, to switch over the laundry, empty the dishwasher, go to the bathroom, you know. But, leaving the house can be the worst. Make sure she’s not hungry, has a clean diaper, the diaper bag is packed, you have enough burp cloths, you have enough spit-up/poop-explosion changes of clothes, you are going to be in a nursing “safe” place when she starts screaming, and I could go on and on. Thinking about going out with a friend who doesn’t have a baby? Think harder about all of the above. But, God is looking out for us lonely girls this week. Monday, we played at Grandma’s house, then stopped in to visit Hazel’s newest best friend Matilda (and mom’s old bf Rebecca). Tuesday, we met Grandma in Seattle for lunch, went to Hazel’s first TEDDY study appointment (wait for that blog later!), and then went to our childbirth preparation class reunion and met all the babies, as well as gathered other stay-at-home-moms’ numbers! Tomorrow, we have a play date, a lunch date, and a dinner date. Thursday and Friday, we have dinner dates, too, plus a play date Friday afternoon! As much as I don’t usually get done during the weeks, look at all the excitement we get this one week! So, what’s next you ask? It’s time to find an Issaquah stroller brigade, or mom and baby pilates class (4 months is about as long as one can allow oneself to still look at maternity pants as maybe okay to wear out of the house!!)!

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