Saturday, November 27, 2010

handmade holidays (and a birthday, too!)

my SIL doesn't read this blog (or at least i don't think she does! i hope not or i will have spoiled the surprise!) so i decided to share with you some of the things i've been making. it's my niece E's 2nd birthday in a week or so, and she just had a baby sister, little niece K about 3 weeks ago, so we have some birthday and holiday gifts to give, and i thought it would be great to make them!

here's the stash in (almost!heehee) it's entirety

a black apple doll for E and a black apple baby for baby K (my Bean choose the dress fabrics specifically for each )

an oliver+s lazy days skirt for E's birthday

a pretty paper covered activity book (filled on every page with 2yo appropriate activities - color the sun yellow, what color is the square, etc {my dear friend Kari gave a similar book to Bean for her 3rd bday and it was/is a MAJOR hit!}), and a crayon roll
what do you all think? would you enjoy getting these gifts for your kids? I know I would!

1 comment:

Tara said...

I have been VERY bad at keeping up with everyone's blogs... not to mention I my own. I just love these handmade gifts!!! :)