Saturday, November 27, 2010

And now for some fun!!

the quarter may not be over for another 4 days, but all my papers are done, edited, printed, stapled, and sealed up so i can't tinker any more! woohoo it feels good to be "allowed" to craft again! so.... here are some recent pictures.

our office/sewing room had been overrun by text books and mini computers, papers, coffee mugs, syllabi, and general theological chaos (yes, that's a gnarly chair that will be reupholstered asap, preferably in something Anna Maria Horner no less!)
my big 200 lb metal typist desk looking like a craft/study grenade exploded....
my lovely viking, raised from her typewriter drawer to enjoy some fall air.  it's nice to see you again, too!

chair (that, too needs a fabulous new upholstery job!) that got vomited on by the felt faeries....

Ahhh! as good as it feels to pop out a really theologically sound paper, it feels even better to have all my visually creative stuff surrounding me ready to be made into something lovely!

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